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LIKE our Facebook page. And ask your friends to LIKE it, too. Go to www.facebook.com/pawproject. We are also on Twitter (@pawproject) and Instagram (pawproject).

Join the Paw Project mailing list.

Watch The Paw Project Movie, in selected theaters and on video-on-demand, and tell your friends about it. It’s on Amazon Video and Tubi TV and Vudu! For more information about our documentary, The Paw Project Movie, go to www.pawprojectmovie.com.

Ask your vet if he or she declaws. If the answer is YES, politely say that you would prefer to have a humane veterinarian who does not declaw. If the answer is NO, say THANK YOU!

Donate your talents to the Paw Project – are you accomplished in public relations, advertising, social media, design, printing? Write to us at info@pawproject.org.

Are you a student or a teacher? Use The Paw Project Movie in the classroom. Check out Teach with Movies for lesson plans based on The Paw Project Movie.

Promote the Paw Project on social media – post about the Paw Project and declawing on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.

Are you creative? – Design t-shirts, posters, stickers, buttons, magnets. Check out some of our gear at Redbubble.

Host a screening of The Paw Project Movie. We can provide the DVD and promotional materials.

Write an editorial for your local paper. Tell us when it’s printed so we can post it on our Facebook page. Write us for examples.

Call vet clinics in your area. Are they pro-declaw? Anti-declaw? Let us know. We are assembling a list of veterinarians and vet clinics that will not declaw. Write to us at info@pawproject.org.

Ask to AVMA to adopt a no-declaw policy. Post a polite and civil request on the AVMA Facebook page.

Use Amazon Smile. If you are making purchases on Amazon, you can log into www.smile.amazon.com and select Paw Project/Animal General Hospital as the charity to support. A portion of your purchase price will go to the Paw Project.

Hold a fundraiser. We are grateful to the folks who have held fundraisers for the Paw Project. Check out the photo album for this musical fundraiser: Accidents’ Party for Paws. Remember that we are a volunteer-run 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations are tax-deductible and 100% of your contributions are used for our programs to help animals.

Have great pictures of cats? Share them with the Paw Project at info@pawproject.org.

Educate yourself. We have a lot of great information on our FAQs page.

Get a bumper sticker, get a poster. Write to us at info@pawproject.org. Tell us what you want. We appreciate it if you can make a donation to cover the mailing costs (https://pawproject.org/contribute/make-a-donation/).

The Paw Project can always use your donations to help us with our programs. Go to our Make a Donation Page to make a tax-deductible donation.

Legislation? Can you help us ban declawing in the US and Canada? This can be a very difficult and time-consuming task. It took the Paw Project 20 years to ban declawing in the New York and Maryland and in the eight California cities that currently have anti-declaw laws (plus Denver, Austin, Pittsburgh and Madison – the only laws of their kind in North America…so far). You will need to educate lawmakers in your area and develop relationships with them. You should familiarize yourself with the existing laws and scientific evidence regarding declawing at our Anti-Declawing Legislation Page and our Anti-Declawing FAQs Page. Once the legislative process is underway, without constant vigilance, there is a great risk of unwanted amendments that could undermine your good intentions. PLEASE ask us for advice and materials before you tackle legislation. We are here to help, and we are happy to help.

The Paw Project asks that, if you write about declawing in emails and on social media, your comments be polite and respectful. We have found that attacking, threatening, bullying, shaming, and intimidating is ineffective and usually counter-productive. Comments intended to educate are helpful, but attacking businesses, writers, and practitioners is likely to make them defensive and more resistant to change. That is just human nature. Don’t make them the victims by threatening them. They will then feel free to attack you…and the Paw Project. That weakens education efforts by all of us and harms the credibility of our opinions. Sympathies should be with the cats who suffer so much from declawing.

Have another great idea? Write to us at info@pawproject.org.

or Make a Donation by Personal Check


The Paw Project
P.O. Box 445
Santa Monica CA 90406-0445

The Paw Project
is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

The volunteers of The Paw Project
and all of our feline friends
thank you for your support!

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