- Write a polite, personalized letter or email. (Letters that are sent by mail or faxed are more effective than emails.) If you have any personal experience with declawing, especially negative ones, please include your story in the letter, using the first person, “I”, to be more compelling. Be factual not emotional. Communicating a message that is concise, positive and proactive is far more persuasive than a long, critical message with a negative tone.
- Include your full name and address in your letter (even e-mails).
- Say why you are writing and who you are. List your “credentials.”
- Where should I send my letter? Most city councils have a website with the contact information for your local representatives. Contact information for state legislators may be found at You can call the councilmember’s office and tell them you would like to send a letter to your representative. The person who answers the phone is usually very helpful and can provide the best email or postal mailing address if contact information is not listed on the website.
- If a specific bill or ordinance is involved, cite the correct title or number whenever possible. Above the salutation (e.g. Dear Councilmember Doe) reference the bill number and the action you want taken, i,e., a vote for or against a bill. Example:</br />
Re: SB 1229 (Pavley) — SUPPORT
Salutation should address a state legislator as Dear Honorable [lastname] and a councilmember as Dear Councilmember [lastname]
The Honorable Jane Doe
House of Representatives
#### State House
City, State ZIP CODEIf your rep. is the Speaker, state assembly, address it as follows:
The Honorable Jane Doe
Speaker of House of Delegates
Speaker of House of Representatives ####State House
City, State ZIP CODE - Click here to view a Sample Letter (Be sure to personalize the sample letter and make it your own)
- For updates, please join The Paw Project mailing list.