Many veterinarians in the USA refuse to perform declaw surgery, because amputating a cat’s toes is an unethical, mutilating procedure. Declawing provides no benefit whatsoever to the cat and can cause long-term health and behavior problems.
Click on the map below to view a directory of veterinarians and veterinary clinics by state that have a No Declaw Policy. We list veterinary hospitals that clients, staff, or veterinarians suggest to us…so this list is a work-in-progress. If you know of others, please write us at
Looking for a listing of no-declaw clinics in Canadian provinces and US States together in one page? It’s a big list, so please be patient while the page loads here.
(Don’t see a no-declaw vet in your area? Consider asking a local veterinarian to implement a no-declaw policy. We’ll be happy to list them here. The symbols ♥ ♥ ♥ after vets’ names mean they perform post-declawing reconstruction surgery)
Declawing is not offered in any of the 2000+ VCA, Banfield, and BluePearl veterinary hospitals throughout the USA and Canada.
The veterinarians and clinics listed on this website have asked to be listed here. They represent a fraction of the number of veterinary service providers in the United States who have a No Declaw Policy.
The Paw Project will be happy to post any service provider’s listing if they don’t declaw.
If you are a client of a provider that doesn’t declaw, why not suggest to them that they list their contact information in our directory? Contact us.