H3 header — This is a sample page of customized styling attributes
Left column.
This content area is 2/3 of the page width. Text and images appear in this column, with customized styling applied from the Newspaper child-theme CSS (style.css). Div class .clr-float inserted after floated images or other elements.
Another paragraph with another image floated right, cleared immediately after.
Below is a colored hairline divider.
Row below contains two columns.
Nested left column
18pt header
17pt header
16pt header
Nested right column
15pt header
14pt header
13pt header
12pt header
Row below contains three columns.
Nested column left
H2 header
H3 header
H4 header
H5 header
Nested column middle
15pt header
14pt header
13pt header
12pt header
Nested column right
This is the std p tag with padding bottom.
This is the std p tag with padding bottom.
This is the std p tag with padding bottom.
This p tag has a line-height of 2em.
This p tag has a line-height of 2em.
This p tag has a line-height of 2em.
This p tag has a line-height of 2.4em.
This p tag has a line-height of 2.4em.
This p tag has a line-height of 2.4em.
This p tag has a line-height of 3em.
This p tag has a line-height of 3em.
This p tag has a line-height of 3em.
Below are four div spacers of different heights: 4px, 6px, 8px and 10px.
Bold applied to this text. This text is normal text followed by break tag
A new line after the break tag eliminates margin/padding applied to elements wrapped in p tags.
This is a new paragraph. Another colored hairline appears below.
Another paragraph with another image floated right, and clear float after.