Maryland Becomes the Second State to Ban Declawing

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Paw Project Praises Maryland as Second No-Declaw State –

April 21, 2022 – Today, cats of Maryland and the people who love them can celebrate because the bills to ban cruel cat declawing in Maryland have been signed into law by Governor Larry Hogan in a signing cermony in Annapolis this morning. The law becomes effective on October 1, 2022.

“I am so appreciative of Governor Hogan and honored to work with Delegate Lorig Charkoudian and Senator Cheryl Kagan, who are true champions for animals,” said Jennifer Conrad, DVM, veterinarian and the founder/director of the Paw Project. “Maryland can now consider itself one of the most humane states in the Union.”

“Our beloved kitties, who cannot advocate for themselves, need us to protect them,” said Senator Kagan. “I am so proud that Maryland will become just the second state to ban the cruel practice of declawing our cats. Delegate Charkoudian and I are grateful to the Paw Project, the many humane organizations, and pet lovers from across Maryland who contacted their legislators and helped to get this bill passed.”

Delegate Charkoudian concurred, “I am thrilled that my colleagues have taken this important action to protect cats from this cruel and unnecessary practice. I am proud that Maryland is a leader in this effort and I hope all other states will follow.”

The Paw Project is grateful to the coalition of dedicated individuals, who worked so hard and so long to make this dream a reality, and who represented many organizations, including HSUS, Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association, Alley Cat Allies, and Maryland Votes For Animals.