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Allentown Bans Declawing

Allentown, Pennsylvania Passes No-Declaw Law –

November 16, 2022 – Allentown, PA is the 14th city to ban declawing. The ordinance was passed on November 16 by a unanimous vote from Allentown’s City Council. The new ordinance prohibits elective, non-therapeutic declawing (amputation) of cats, effective immediately.

Councilwoman Ce-Ce Gerlach explained the therapeutic exception is intended to let animals be treated for a medical reason such as an infection or recurring illness, but declawing will be banned for cosmetic, aesthetic or reasons of convenience for handling the animal.

“I am very grateful to the Allentown City Council,” said Jennifer Conrad, DVM, founder and director of the Paw Project. “Declawing is proven to harm cats and to cause behavioral problems. Declawing puts cats’ owners at a greater risk of being bitten. Prohibiting declaw procedures protects cats and humans and improves the human-animal bond. I wish to thank Lehigh Valley Humane Society, Friends of Feline Urban Rescue & Rehab, and Kristen Tullo, PA State Director of Humane Society of the United States for their hard work to pass this ordinance.”

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